
Assalammualaikum ^_^

Hi peeps :)
Lama kan tak update blog? actually malas sebernarnya..lagipun takda benda yg menarik pun nak update..ok just want to introduce my BESTIE

BESTIE can be a group of friends and everyone is always looking for new friends..yeah same like me BUT I never ever leave the old one! even though they're far away but we still keep in touch...when I on phone I will keep talking, talking and talking..bla bla bla~~~perempuan, biasalah kan...kahkahkah 

Ok just want to tell u a little bit about my BF.. the girl with pink hijab is Hazwani.. I know her since i'm Year 1..eh3 tabika kot...! satu kampung la katakan..she look like chinese and she is the most understanding ones...I like to tease her when she doing practical at UUM..kahkahkah klakar gila.."untunglah practical sem ni dekat rumah..makan minum semua orang tanggung..dapat elaun plus PTPTN..kayalah"..

The girl with red and black hijab is Shazwani.. susahkan bila ada 2 wani.. bila panggil dua-dua I called them WANI SQUARE..kikiki..she is the funniest ones and she will do what she said..please BEWARE..when she said "aku takmau cakap dengan hampa 5 minit" so tak payah la nak over2 cakap sebab dia tak kan layan..after 5 min she will said "ok dah 5 minit..dah boleh cakap"..lawak kan? time skolah dulu selalu kena..kahkahkah :)

And the last one is Shahira..she is supporting and open-minded..she still studying at UITM serawak..fuuhhhh jauh kan.. I know her since secondary school and she is so "LAMPI"..sapa tak tau p google nuh..ok dia memang suka travel..this is her blog..boleh tengok boleh baca boleh usha...

ok sekian..

0 budak comel=):